

The law governing the Federal Student Aid programs is based on the premise that the family is the first source of the student’s support, and the law provides several criteria that decide if the student is considered independent of her parents for student financial aid eligibility. Note that a student reaching the age of 18 or 21 or living apart from her parents does not affect her dependency status.

如果学生被认为是他的父母的依赖, information on the income and assets of the parents must be included on the FAFSA. 美国. S. Department of 教育’s processor (CPS) will calculate a parental contri但ion and add it to the student’s contri但ion to derive an Expected Family Contri但ion (EFC).

In unusual cases an Aid Administrator can determine that a student who doesn’t meet any of the independence criteria should still be treated as an independent student.

A 金融援助 Administrator (FAA) may approve dependency overrides on a case-by-case basis for students with unusual circumstances. 如果联邦航空局认为撤销是合适的, she must write a statement detailing the determination and must include the statement and supporting documentation in the student’s file. 然而, 没有下列条件, 单独, 或者结合起来, 符合需要依赖项覆盖的异常情况:

  1. 父母拒绝为学生的教育出资;
  2. Parents are unwilling to provide information on the FAFSA or for verification;
  3. Parents do not claim the student as a dependent for income tax purposes;
  4. 学生表现出完全自给自足.

不寻常的情况包括 an abusive family environment or abandonment by parents and may cause any of the above conditions. 在这种情况下,可能需要依赖项覆盖.

The presence of these conditions would not disqualify a student from being an unaccompanied youth who is homeless or self-supporting and at risk of being homeless. As noted above, such a student who is too old to be a youth would merit a dependency override.

An Aid Administrator may override only from dependent to independent (though as suggested earlier, 如果一个独立的学生得到了他人的大力支持, a school may use PJ to adjust the COA or FAFSA data items such as untaxed income)


Provide a written explanation of your unusual domestic circumstances.

What are the extenuating domestic household circumstances which prohibit you from providing parental information? Have you been subjected to any of the following circumstances or conditions or do any of the following conditions or situations exist?

  1. 情感虐待
  2. 身体虐待
  3. 性虐待
  4. 被父母遗弃
  5. 受到父母或继父母的身体威胁
  6. 父母一方去世
  7. 父母一方或双方都被监禁
  8. 家庭中的药物滥用

Write a summary of the circumstances regarding why you are not able to provide parental income information on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The list of circumstances above is not meant to include all circumstances that might apply.

Your written summary and explanation may be typed or written (as long as legible). 你的总结和解释不受一定长度的限制.

Provide a written explanation of how you meet the basic necessities of life, i.e.住房、食物、衣服和交通.

Do you have sufficient income and financial resources to fully support yourself? 说明你的收入足以养活自己.

提供一份你最近完成的美国签证的复印件.S. 所得税申报表.

谁提供住房福利, 食物, 服装, and transportation to you if your income Is not sufficient to support yourself? 如果这些福利提供给你, give an explanation about the circumstances of these expenses being provided for you.


  1. 你被寄养了
  2. 你是法院的受抚养人或监护人
  3. 你是一个被解放的未成年人
  4. 你一直处于法定监护之下


The documentation of unusual circumstances should come from a third party who knows your situation. Acceptable persons who may provide third party documentation include, 但, 并不局限于, 一个老师, 辅导员, 高中校长, 律师, 医学权威, 或者是神职人员.

注意: Your request for review will be considered only if you submit confirmation. Statements from personal friends, family members, or relatives are NOT acceptable confirmation.


Students whose parents refuse support are not eligible for a dependency override, 但他们可能只能获得无补贴的斯塔福德贷款. 符合此规定的学生, the UNA 学生资助办公室 (SFA) must get documentation (1) that his parents refuse to provide information for his FAFSA and (2) that they do not and will not provide any financial support to him. 包括支持结束的日期.如果父母拒绝在声明上签字并注明日期, SFA must get documentation from a third party (the student himself is not sufficient), 比如老师, 辅导员, 神职人员, 或法院.

As noted above, this situation does not justify a dependency override. 但就像推翻判决一样, resolving the situation is at the discretion of the UNA 金融援助 Administrator (FAA). 如果联邦航空局决定学生属于这一类, we will document our decision and ensure that the student submits a FAFSA and passes all the eligibility matches.结果将被拒绝申请,没有EFC. SFA may then award the student unsubsidized Stafford loans up to the maximum the student would normally be eligible for depending on his grade level (但 not the amount a student can get when his parent is unable to get a PLUS loan). 请参阅DCL GEN-08-12了解更多信息.


The K8彩乐园 DOES NOT ACCEPT a dependency override approved by another school in the same award year. The student is required to provide to the K8彩乐园 all supporting documentation to justify the approval of a dependency override.

A dependency override DOES NOT automatically carry over from one award year to the next award year. The student must affirm in writing that the unusual domestic circumstances persist in order for the override to be granted in the next academic year.